At Halu

We are driven by a spiritual call to facilitate our process of self-discovery and to fight for the rights of all living beings. We believe that the collective power of our microgeneration can lead to exponential impact through crystal reiki.

Our mission is to make our world a better place for us all, and we’ve created this crystal guide to showcase the meaning and properties of various crystals. Each crystal is unique and powerful, and while some are cleansing crystals, others are considered crystals for anxiety that help to promote a sense of peace and calm. Learn more below, then browse our crystal catalog.


Amazonite is a stunning crystal, known for its captivating blue-green hues and unique iridescent qualities. It's a variety of microcline feldspar and is characterized by its distinctive swirling patterns and bright colors, ranging between light and dark blue-green. It is believed to promote harmony, balance, and healing, with its calming and soothing properties.


Azurite is a captivating crystal with an intense royal blue color. It's believed to be a powerful stone that helps to access higher levels of consciousness and enhances psychic abilities. The crystal is believed to provide clarity of thought and promote creativity and inspiration. Azurite has the power to stimulate the third eye chakra and enhance intuition. It is also considered a crystal for anxiety because it can help to reduce stress and promote spiritual growth.


Angelite is a crystal formed from the mineral anhydrite, giving it a unique blue-grey hue. It's a powerful healing stone said to connect us to angels and higher dimensional energies. Many believe it helps us to access our inner truth and divine guidance, allowing us to be more compassionate and understanding. Angelite is also known to bring peace, serenity, and connection to the angelic realm.


Aragonite is a breathtaking crystal that is commonly found in many different forms. It is a crystal that is made up of calcium carbonate and has a unique and captivating appearance. It is often found in shades of orange, grey, and even yellow, often with a natural sparkle to it. It is believed to be a powerful crystal that can help to balance emotions, alleviate stress, and bring a sense of peace to its owner.

Blue Agate

Blue Agate is a mesmerizing crystal that can be found in a range of hues from a deep, midnight blue to a soft, powder blue. It is a powerful stone that is believed to help make decisions, enhance communication, and provide insight and clarity. This beautiful crystal helps to create a balanced emotional state and encourages spiritual growth.


Emerald has symbolized truth and love. In ancient Greece and Rome, the emerald was linked to the goddess Venus, known for love and hope. Across the globe, emeralds held significance with the Incas and Egyptians for eternal life.

Black Rainbow Peacock

Peacock is a stone believed to bring happiness and joy, reputedly guiding towards positive directions and channeling joy to others; commonly associated with upliftment.

Pink Agate

Pink Agate is a stunning gemstone with a gentle pink hue that has captivated people around the world. Its calming energy and gentle tones make it the perfect stone to wear during meditation or any other moments of relaxation. Agate Pink is said to bring emotional balance and courage, helping to bring joy into the lives of those who wear it.

Aura Quartz

Aura Quartz is a crystal with a captivating energy. It has an iridescent shimmer to it that is incredibly mesmerizing, and it is said to help one to connect with higher realms. It's also believed to be a powerful stone for manifesting and amplifying the energy of other crystals.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a type of crystal that is believed to bring protection and grounding. It is said to be a powerful stone for dispelling negative energy and blocking out harmful electromagnetic frequencies. It is also believed to help promote feelings of stability and balance on both a physical and emotional level. With its deep black color, Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that is sure to bring a heightened sense of well-being and security.

Blue Kyanite

Kyanite is a blue crystal known for its unique beauty and metaphysical properties. This crystal is beloved for its rare, electric blue color and iridescent sheen. It is believed to be a powerful tool for aligning the chakras and enhancing psychic ability. Blue Kyanite is also known for its ability to help one to access the higher realms of consciousness, making it a valuable asset for spiritual seekers.


Bornite, also known as peacock ore, has a metallic luster and often changes colors from brass-yellow to purple to iridescent blue. Its copper content can range from 25-59%, making it an important ore of copper. Its name comes from the German chemist, Heinrich August Ludwig Born. Bornite is also known to form naturally in various locations around the world.


Citrine, a powerful crystal used by royalty, is renowned for attracting prosperity, opening paths, and boosting energy. It is the ultimate crystal for prosperity and solar energies, able to recharge itself and other crystals. Its positive energy stimulates vitality and cell regeneration, neutralizes negativity, and provides auric protection, helping intuition detect potential dangers.

Chevron Amethyst

Chevron Amethyst is a stunning crystal that is formed through the oxidation of iron-bearing minerals. Its beautiful golden-brown color and translucent appearance make it a popular choice for jewelry and spiritual practices. This crystal is believed to inspire hope and encourage positive thinking, making it a powerful ally for those seeking to manifest their dreams and goals. Cacoxenite is also known for its ability to enhance meditation and deepen spiritual connections.

Cat's Eye

Cat's Eye is a unique and mesmerizing crystal that gets its name from its remarkable optical effect. This crystal displays a chatoyant band of light that resembles the gleaming eye of a cat. With its faceted appearance and golden hues, Cat's Eye is often used in jewelry and is believed to bring luck, prosperity, and protection to its wearer. The stone is also thought to enhance intuition and insight, making it an excellent choice for those seeking clarity and guidance in their lives.


Celestine, also known as Celestite, is a breathtaking crystal known for its delicate blue hues and ethereal appearance. Its name is derived from the Latin word for "heavenly," reflecting its association with the higher realms. Celestine is believed to facilitate communication with angels and spirit guides, making it a valuable tool for those seeking spiritual guidance and connection. This crystal is also known for its soothing and calming energy, making it an excellent choice for stress relief and meditation.


Chrysocolla is a captivating crystal known for its stunning blue and green hues, reminiscent of a tranquil ocean. This crystal is believed to promote emotional healing, calmness, and tranquility. Chrysocolla is often used in meditation and energy healing practices to bring balance and harmony to the body and mind. It is also associated with communication, helping to promote self-expression and articulate thoughts and feelings with ease.


Amethyst is a good gemstone for soothing the body, mind, and soul. Unlock Your Spiritual Awareness with Amethyst activate Intuition and Enhance Psychic Abilities. Amethyst relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is a powerful stone that is beneficial for detoxifying organs, aiding digestion, and releasing blockages and tensions in both the physical and spiritual bodies. It can alleviate Arthritis pain, address joint problems, alleviate cramps, and enhance blood circulation.Formed by the quick cooling of volcanic lava, Black Obsidian is an exceptional stone with strong grounding properties. It facilitates a connection to the Earth's core, effectively dispelling negative energies. Additionally, it creates a protective shield that safeguards against black magic, the evil eye, and envy.


Sodalite possesses the ability to enhance our spiritual connection, foster inner peace, and safeguard our energy. It also fortifies the intellect, boosts intuition, aids in meditation, and shields against any negative influences. The resonating frequencies emitted by Sodalite promote the expansion of our spiritual consciousness, bring tranquility to our emotions, and restore equilibrium to our mental well-being.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz known by various names such as white quartz, milky quartz, or clear quartz, the white quartz crystal is widely regarded as one of the most spiritually significant crystals. With multiple attributes and interpretations, it excels as a harmonizer and possesses the ability to serve the purpose of any other crystal due to its prismatic properties. Its paramount function lies in achieving equilibrium by manipulating and modulating energies within our physical and spiritual realms, based on our cognitive directives.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is known as the crystal that resonates with feelings of love and harmony. It has the power to heal and purify the inner emotional being by activating the Heart Chakra. By repelling negative energies, it amplifies the energy of love, fostering peace and harmony in relationships and family dynamics. Additionally, it has the ability to address emotional issues and cultivate a profound connection with unconditional love.


Aquamarine is a stone known for its protective and loyal properties. It was sought after by sailors to reduce fear and sharpen intuition. The crystal helps with everyday problems by combatting stress and creating calm environments, restoring inner peace. It boosts confidence, improves intuition, increases creativity, and dispels negative thoughts, bringing emotional balance. Aquamarine is also used to promote loyalty and love, deepening the bond between couples and assisting in turbulent times within marriages, restoring harmony and peace.

Green Quartz

Green Quartz goes beyond its visual appeal and delivers the essential healing energy of the revered Green Ray directly to the body's cells. It is not just a decorative gemstone, but a doorway to achieving harmony and revitalization. Green Quartz absorbs the essence of the Green Ray, enhancing general well-being and rejuvenating the body. Additionally, it serves as a defender, shielding us from energy drain and skillfully converting unfavorable energies into a positive current that naturally attracts abundance and wellness.

Tiger's Eye

The Tiger's Eye gem facilitates the connection between our spiritual energy and that of the Earth, promoting integration with the universe. It has long been used to repel negative energy and provide protection. It is particularly effective in work-related matters. This crystal boosts our drive to overcome challenges and helps us focus on our goals and projects. It also has physical benefits, such as reducing asthma and bronchitis symptoms. Emotionally, it boosts self-confidence and encourages independent decision-making. It stimulates creativity and problem-solving abilities. It is especially beneficial in work settings, enhancing patience, assertiveness, and instinctual timing.


Rhodochrosite is renowned for its ability to heal and balance the heart chakra, allowing its owner to give and receive love more freely. This stone, often paired with rose quartz, is particularly effective in alleviating feelings of loneliness, sorrow, fear, and insecurity. Rhodochrosite also aids in the healing process for individuals who have experienced trauma due to abuse and incest, promoting self-forgiveness and trust while awakening a sense of purpose and spiritual love. It can be worn continuously without causing any negative effects. Rhodochrosite is widely recognized as "the stone of love and balance" because it possesses the strongest power in the Universe - the power of love - and emits energies akin to those found in celestial bodies illuminated with light. With this stone, one can create a loving and harmonious world for themselves.


Unakite is a stone that provides protection, spiritual insight, and healing.It aids in predicting the future and receiving meaningful revelations for our lives. Unakite also supports meditation and enhances physical well-being.Furthermore, it shields against radiation emitted by televisions and other electrical devices. Additionally, Unakite helps remove obstacles hindering personal growth, promotes mental serenity, and assists in past life healing.


Malachite is highly linked to our spiritual growth, as it enhances mental acuity and intuition. In terms of the physical body, it enhances blood flow and draws in healing energies for ailments related to the stomach, kidneys, spleen, and liver. In terms of spirituality, it not only aids in purifying and safeguarding the aura, but also attracts positive energies, influences the arrangement of our thoughts, and assists us on our spiritual journey.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli possesses significant spiritual significance due to its rich symbolism. Throughout history, this precious stone has been linked to inner wisdom, genuine communication, and profound intuition. Delve into the spiritual essence of Lapis Lazuli and uncover how it can enhance your spiritual consciousness and foster inner serenity. Furthermore, aside from its spiritual connotation, Lapis Lazúli possesses a lively energy that bestows numerous advantages. Unearth how this gemstone can harmonize your emotions, ignite creativity, and fortify your intuition.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz, also known as smoky or morion, is a versatile crystal with various colors from light brown to dark brown. It has been revered by ancient druids as the Crystal of Power, possessing divine capabilities. Quartz has also been used by various cultures, including tribes and shamans, to guide souls to the afterlife and connect with spirits. Additionally, it has been associated with fertility and served as a mourning stone for the Romans. In Arab culture, smoky quartz symbolized friendship and loyalty, believed to change color in the face of threat or misfortune. Regardless of cultural beliefs, smoky quartz is highly regarded for its ability to neutralize negative energy and provide grounding.


Rhodonite possesses the ability to bring emotional balance, fostering love and promoting unity among individuals. It can present multiple perspectives on a given issue.This crystal stimulates, cleanses, and activates the heart and heart chakra. It neutralizes negative energy, harmonizes yin and yang energies, and aids in the realization of our highest potential. It is believed to enhance mantra meditation by strengthening the connection between the soul and the vibrations of the mantra. Rhodonite is especially valuable for offering immediate assistance, as it heals emotional shocks and panic by emitting supportive energy for the soul. It proves highly beneficial in situations involving emotional self-harm, codependency, and mistreatment. Rhodonite is capable of healing emotional scars and wounds from the past, facilitating the transformation of painful emotions like resentment and anger. Furthermore, it is closely associated with forgiveness and aids in reconciliation, even after prolonged periods of suffering and mistreat.

Red Jaspe

Red Jasper is an incredibly potent protective stone that can effectively shield against even the most potent assaults of black magic, envy, and the evil eye. Its utilization extends to personal energetic protection, purifying and safeguarding our homes, preventing nightmares, and repelling individuals with malicious intentions.During the most challenging moments of our lives, it proves invaluable as it allows us to maintain composure and remain grounded, even amidst the most trying circumstances. Red Jasper stands as one of the most powerful protective stones globally, particularly adept at countering and obstructing all forms of negative energy.This stone possesses the ability to halt any negativity and possesses such immense strength that it can neutralize and dismantle even the most fervent attacks of black magic and envy.

Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is used in the Splenic or Sacral Chakra to provide energy and help individuals cope with challenges in life. It promotes organization on a physical level and transmits new concepts of health and well-being through the second chakra. This stone can reprogram old patterns and bring order to chaotic aspects of daily routines, whether at work, studying, managing finances, or organizing personal belongings. It is beneficial for those who tend to worry about details and experience anxiety and tension. Orange calcite also supports the digestive system, which can be affected by a fast-paced lifestyle, and brings enthusiasm and a positive mindset to improve overall life conditions.


Selenite possesses a unique quality and is reputed to boost spirituality through its transmutation abilities and energy-cleansing properties. It distinguishes itself as one of the world's most influential purifying crystals, capable of revitalizing other minerals.Throughout various traditions throughout time, Selenite has been revered for its profound healing properties. It is also highly regarded as a significant crystal for individuals who utilize the natural energy of stones.Selenite not only harbors powerful energy that safeguards and enhances the welfare of individuals but also purges unfavorable energies from its surroundings.


Purpurite, a mineral known for its captivating purple color, derives its name from the Latin word "purpura," meaning purple. This hue is associated with royalty, spirituality, and intuition in many cultures. Purpurite is believed to enhance spiritual growth, intuition, and creativity. Its vibrant purple shade represents imagination and limitless possibilities. Artists and creative individuals turn to purpurite for inspiration and to unlock their creative potential. Additionally, purpurite is valued for its healing properties, promoting emotional equilibrium, serenity, and tranquility. Crystal healing practices often use purpurite to alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, fostering inner peace and harmony.


Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," has long been recognized for its remarkable properties as a protective stone. It serves as a robust shield, effectively warding off negative energy and environmental pollutants that may hinder one's well-being. Beyond its protective abilities, pyrite holds the power to stimulate and energize the second and third chakras, promoting physical vitality and overall wellness. Moreover, this captivating mineral possesses the remarkable ability to enhance mental strength and willpower, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals with unwavering determination.

Lemurian Quartz

Lemurian Quartz holds significant meaning as it is associated with the ancient civilization of Lemuria. The Lemurians were deeply connected to the Earth's energy and possessed incredible healing abilities. They encoded their knowledge into Lemurian Quartz crystals, which have resurfaced in the present day to deliver messages of love and unity. These crystals are easily recognizable by their horizontal markings, which can unlock a pathway to higher consciousness. By tracing your finger along the ridges, you can connect with the spiritual realm and access ancient wisdom. Lemurian Quartz also aligns chakras and stabilizes the auric field, directing light through the body.


Trolleite, a mesmerizing gemstone known for its remarkable properties, has been revered for centuries for its ability to enhance sensitivity, intuition, and self-discipline. This precious stone has captured the hearts of many with its unique ability to foster balance and tranquility in one's life. By wearing or meditating with Trolleite, individuals can experience a profound sense of personal growth and transformation. This extraordinary gemstone serves as a guiding light, helping individuals to stay focused on their goals and unlock their true potential. Embrace the power of Trolleite and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink tourmaline is a beautiful gemstone that symbolizes love, compassion, and empathy. It fosters deep connections and enhances the abilities of healers and counselors. This stone promotes harmonious relationships and encourages feelings of love and acceptance. Overall, pink tourmaline is a powerful symbol of human connections and kindness.

Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline is a remarkable gemstone that offers numerous benefits to those who embrace its energy. It enhances one's sense of awareness and serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Wearing or meditating with Green Tourmaline invites divine energy to guide you towards becoming the best version of yourself. The vibrations emitted by Green Tourmaline have a profound effect on the mind, encouraging individuals to align their thoughts with the desires of their heart. This powerful alignment allows for laser-sharp focus on goals and aspirations with unwavering determination. Immersing yourself in the soothing energy of Green Tourmaline propels you towards the path that leads to your true purpose and fulfillment. Green Tourmaline acts as a gentle yet persistent motivator, urging you to take the necessary steps to manifest your dreams. It serves as a constant reminder to embrace change and the unknown, as growth often lies beyond our comfort zones. With Green Tourmaline, you can embrace personal growth and transformation.

Rainbow Moonstone

Moonstone, a mesmerizing gemstone renowned for its abundant healing properties, holds a significant place in history. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times, where it has been revered for its remarkable qualities. Moonstone symbolizes a delicate balance, exuding tranquility and feminine energy that resonates deeply within. This enchanting gemstone is also associated with affection and fertility, making it a cherished talisman for those seeking love and abundance in their lives. Embrace the ethereal beauty of moonstone by adorning it as a captivating piece of jewelry, allowing its serene vibrations to imbue your life with harmony and a sense of calm. By wearing moonstone, you invite the soothing energies of this remarkable gemstone into your existence, creating a sanctuary of peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday life. Let the captivating allure of moonstone guide you towards a stress-free and harmonious journey, where the gentle radiance of this gemstone illuminates your path and uplifts your spirit.


Fuchsite holds significant meaning and can hold you back like a crystal. In addition to its stunning emotional healing properties, the green color of Fuchsite exudes a sense of positive serenity and peace, creating physical well-being. It is believed to support the immune system and promote overall health and security in one's life. With its nurturing energy, Fuchsite acts as a protective shield, enveloping both you and your loved ones, keeping harm away. One of its most remarkable qualities lies in its ability to heal the heart. Fuchsite has a profound impact on emotional well-being, helping to release past hurts and traumas, while also opening the heart to love and compassion.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is a stone that possesses extraordinary metaphysical properties. It is renowned for its remarkable ability to aid individuals in discerning intricate patterns within their own thoughts and behaviors, providing them with invaluable insights and self-awareness. This captivating stone is also revered for its exceptional capacity to dissolve deep-rooted shocks, fears, and traumas, offering profound healing on both physical and emotional levels. By gently alleviating the burdens of past experiences, Snowflake Obsidian grants individuals the opportunity to release their pain and embrace a newfound sense of inner peace and tranquility. Its soothing energy permeates through the body, promoting a harmonious balance between the mind, body, and spirit. As one connects with the profound essence of Snowflake Obsidian, they embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth, unlocking the door to a world of limitless possibilities.

Black tourmaline and Hematite

are powerful gemstones that have a profound impact on the root chakra. They possess the remarkable ability to ground and purify one's energy, creating a sense of stability and security. When used together, these earth elements form a synergistic bond that can be incredibly transformative, especially in the aftermath of trauma.
The root chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and connection to the physical world. It is the foundation upon which all other chakras are built. However, during times of distress or emotional upheaval, this vital energy center can become imbalanced or blocked, leading to feelings of disconnection and instability.
By harnessing the energy of black tourmaline and hematite, we can effectively realign and restore the root chakra. Black tourmaline, known for its protective properties, acts as a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. It forms a barrier between you and the outside world, allowing you to feel more grounded and secure.


Hematite, also referred to as the "mind stone," is renowned for its remarkable ability to enhance concentration and focus. Not only does it have a positive impact on memory, but it also stimulates creative thinking, allowing individuals to tap into their inner artistic potential. By harnessing the magnetic properties of our yin-yang energies, Hematite serves as a powerful tool in bringing balance to the body's meridians. It establishes a harmonious equilibrium between the ethereal and physical nervous systems, promoting overall well-being and a sense of inner peace. Whether used during meditation or incorporated into daily life, Hematite is a valuable ally in achieving mental clarity and nurturing a balanced state of mind.


Ruby is a precious gemstone that has been treasured for centuries due to its believed metaphysical properties. This vibrant gem is thought to possess a myriad of benefits, making it highly sought after by those seeking to enhance their well-being.
One of the most prominent properties associated with Ruby is its ability to enhance energy levels and concentration. It is believed that wearing or carrying Ruby can boost vitality and help individuals stay focused on their goals. This makes it a popular choice for those who need an extra dose of motivation or mental clarity.
In addition to its energizing effects, Ruby is also said to foster creativity. Many artists and creative individuals turn to this gemstone for inspiration, as it is believed to unlock the imagination and encourage innovative thinking. Whether you're a writer, painter, or musician, Ruby may just be the spark you need to unleash your creative potential.


Onyx, a precious gemstone renowned for its healing properties, is highly regarded for its ability to facilitate recovery and prevent relapse. This magnificent stone not only promotes physical healing but also offers exceptional support to the bone marrow and tissue structures within the body. Furthermore, Onyx possesses the remarkable ability to strengthen teeth and bones, enhancing overall physical well-being. Its profound impact on the body's healing processes makes it an invaluable gemstone for those seeking optimal health and well-being.


Turquoise, with its mesmerizing hue, holds a profound connection to the throat chakra, serving as a powerful catalyst for enhancing communication and self-expression. This enchanting gemstone possesses the remarkable ability to harmonize all the chakras, creating a symphony of balance and alignment within the energetic body. Its therapeutic properties have made it a cherished tool in various healing modalities, where it is utilized to promote holistic well-being and spiritual growth. Turquoise's gentle yet potent energy fosters a greater capacity for love, compassion, and forgiveness, encouraging individuals to let go of self-destructive patterns and embrace a path of self-discovery and inner transformation. As one embraces the soothing embrace of turquoise, they embark on a journey of profound healing and personal evolution.


Opal is a versatile gemstone that is found in numerous cultures around the world. It is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, allowing individuals to tap into their inner wisdom. Opal also has remarkable healing properties, boosting the immune system and promoting overall well-being. This mystical gemstone is often used in meditation practices to deepen spiritual awareness and foster a sense of inner peace. Moreover, opal is steeped in rich folklore and legends. In ancient times, it was revered as a stone of optimism, joy, and love. Opal also symbolizes fidelity and passion, helping individuals gain clarity and overcome obstacles. It was often gifted to loved ones as a token of affection and used in engagement rings to signify eternal commitment. Today, opal continues to be cherished for its beauty and mesmerizing appearance, making it a popular choice for special occasions and milestone celebrations. In the world of crystal healing, opal is regarded as a powerful energy amplifier, enhancing the effects of other healing stones and crystals.


Lepidolite, a beautiful and mesmerizing crystal, holds a special place in the world of metaphysics. Known as the peace stone or grandmother stone, it is revered for its nurturing and calming properties. People often turn to lepidolite when they seek solace and tranquility in their lives.
In the metaphysical realm, lepidolite goes beyond its soothing qualities. It is a powerful ally in conquering emotional and mental reliance. This remarkable crystal gently guides individuals towards a path of self-reliance and independence, helping them break free from negative patterns and dependencies.
The healing properties of lepidolite extend even further. This remarkable crystal has been associated with the treatment of various conditions, including anorexia. Its nurturing energy helps individuals develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. Lepidolite supports the journey towards self-acceptance and fosters a positive


Garnet, a powerful gemstone known for its cleansing and rejuvenating properties, restores energy to the chakras, promoting serenity or passion as needed. It aids in physical healing and inspires love and devotion. Garnet also harmonizes the sex drive, reduces emotional disharmony, and fosters balance in intimate relationships. As a symbol of strength and protection, it shields against negative energies and enhances self-confidence and courage. Whether for emotional healing, spiritual growth, or positive energy, Garnet is a gemstone that truly delivers.


Aventurine is a valuable stone known for its metaphysical properties. It enhances prosperity and abundance, attracts good luck, and helps manifest desires for financial success. It also disperses negative emotions and energies, promoting calmness and stability. Aventurine strengthens leadership qualities, fosters confidence and assertiveness, and enhances decision-making abilities. Additionally, it promotes compassion and empathy.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz is known for its ability to relieve fear and stimulate creativity and self-expression. This beautiful crystal also has a powerful impact on the throat chakra, facilitating effective communication and fostering connections with others. Additionally, Blue Quartz possesses uplifting energies that can help alleviate depression and bring back a sense of hope, happiness, and inner peace.

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite stimulates the will and the mind. It helps us understand how to put divine inspiration and guidance into action. It helps clear the mind, and prepare it to receive new learning and higher knowledge. It can be an effective aid for studying or developing new skills, or completing projects over time.


Fluorite: it is the most recommended to strengthen the immune system and work on emotional aspects. Violet fluorite: it is the most spiritual of all and will especially help you enhance intuition. It is also the most suitable for breaking behavior patterns or addictive behaviors.


Carnelian stone properties
Carnelian is associated with the energy of well-directed power and ambition. For this reason, it is commonly used to achieve professional success, calm tensions in decisive meetings and to provide mental clarity when making a work-related decision.

Bulls eye

Bull's Eye is the Stone of Power and Achievement It drives away fears and nightmares, combats negative energies and influences and increases our strength and power to overcome challenges.
This stone also attracts good luck in games and business, awakens our negotiating power.
It strengthens our self-confidence and increases our leadership and decision-making capacity. The Bull's Eye is a stone of luck and protection. The bull's eye stone combines the protective energy of black with the action strength of reddish tones.

Dream Amethyst

Dream Amethyst is a powerful protective stone that clears negativity and provides clarity. It aids in sleep and promotes a sense of well-being during meditation.

Yellow Calcite

Yellow Calcite gemstones are believed to mirror your inner light and aid in recognizing and enhancing the positive energy that resides within you. Ideal for individuals seeking to meditate with their elevated consciousness and align with the universal state of enlightenment. Promotes Positive Energy.


Jet stone can remove negative energy, help you on your spiritual journey, and remove unconscious fears. These jet black stones are great for grounding and calming when issues arise that bring about stress.

Aura Rose Quartz

Aura Rose Quartz heals the Heart Chakra and brings out positive and loving energy to you. It calms nerves and helps you communicate better. An inspiring self-love stone as well as love for others. It can enhance your compassion and nourishes your aura.

Carnelian Agate

Carnelian Agate represents warmth, fiery life, vibrancy, strength, bravery, courage when speaking in public, and creativity. Its hues hold specific meanings and properties: red carnelian for courage, orange carnelian for creativity and joy.

Lemon Jade

Lemon Jade emits a gentle and steady energy that inspires wisdom, practicality, moderation, perspective and peace. This gem enhances emotional balance, moderation and stability. *aides in the understanding of dreams.


Jade closely associated with the heart chakra, jade fosters feelings of love, compassion, and self-love, linking us to our higher selves and fostering unity with the world. Its spiritual properties also encompass confidence, acceptance, health, and resolving emotional or spiritual issues.


Labradorite is widely regarded as one of the most powerful protectors in the metaphysical realm, creating a shield for auras and safeguarding against worldly negativity. It is believed to help balance the negativity within ourselves.

Milky Quartz

Milky quartz, also called 'snow quartz' or 'white quartz', is linked to innocence and tranquillity. It is thought to offer a fresh perspective without biases and to prevent emotional overload.

Pink Opal

Pink Opal is a compassionate and nurturing stone, promoting authenticity and inner peace. It aids in calming nerves, balancing emotions, and cultivating tranquility.

Falcon's Eye

This stone aids in 'going with the flow', acting as a calming influence to promote perspective and prevent hasty actions. Falcon's Eye offers protection and strength during stressful times.

Natural Agate

Agate is known for its ability to bring emotional healing to mind, body, and spirit, creating balance and harmony. It helps make sense of everyday chaos and brings subconscious information to the surface.